We offer repair for all make and models of dump hoists and bodies. 致電 407-246-1597.

Ox Bodies heavy-duty dump bed, hoist, and cylinder repairs are done on-site in Orlando. Crysteel hoist and dump truck bodies repaired and refurbished as well as the dump cylinders. Warren dump hoist and Hydraulic cylinders. We offer welding and fabrication and body dump box repairs made quickly and correctly in our repair facility in Orlando. Dump truck repair also made on Henderson, Rogers, J and J, Sweson, Heil, and Rugby Dump Truck Boxes, Hoists and Lift Kits.

We Custom build flatbed sand dumps for the building industry with or without a forklift kit.

Peterbilt Truck Repair Orlando

We also repair dump truck transmissions, 離合器, 差異, and walking beam bushings, torque rod bushings and spring or air ride suspensions.

RDWI 都股票 原裝卡車零件 如離合器軸承, 活塞, 飛輪, 密封, 離合器盤, 離合器鎖圈, 外殼, 套件同咁多. 無論係原始設備變速箱還是售後離合器, 你都得到我哋年保脩嘅支持.
